Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rose mirror cake

Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates

China is a completely porkified nation, pork dumplings, pork noodle soup, and even lays potato chips has a finger licking braise pork flavor. The muslim quarters is the only place that goes porkless. They eat more of mutton. Not that it's any better for me. Maybe we are just not used to their flavors. Its either too salty, oily and in really big portions. And maybe its really near sichuan that the only chili they have is the ma la chilli. Numbing and tingly. Even their mac have a ma la burger. I miss my sambal.

This is their famous rose mirror cake, its rice cake with some jam and nuts on top. Not exactly very nice either.

1 comment:

launcher said...

looks like houseflies on it...