Sunday, July 31, 2011

Is this the Shangri la?

Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates

How can a place be this beautiful?

Somehow everywhere else seems more beautiful than home. Not just the grass are greener, the sky is bluer and the clouds are whiter.

Where flowers bloom and river meet..

Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates

It's hard to leave. Everyone seem to stay longer than they planned. Maybe I was getting tired of moving everyday too but I'm getting a little too comfortable.

Baguette for breakfast, 3 fruit shakes a day, a dip in the pool in the hot afternoon or a herbal sauna in the evening, a movie at night, beer laos & fussball at utopia after that and of course a nice bed to sleep till noon. Why would anyone want to go anywhere else?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

To Burma..

Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates

I sat down, I waited. And once i'm not ready they snap my picture. I think they want to capture my 最真實的一面. But it's true, they will probably find me walking around in Burma like this than pinning up my fringe.

10usd or 500baht? What do you think?
And despite the rumors, they do give change (if you ask nicely)

This is where I escape the big earthquake. Well, Bagan next time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Go go go!

Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates

After awhile, everything seems possible. It doesn't matter what terrain, what kind of bike or even how bad is the weather.

If you want to get to a place enough, just keep cycling and you will reach there. Eventually.

I started out with 20km, then 40km, and sometimes ended up with 80km. Maybe i can buy a bike and ride all they way home. But of course it will be better with a real bike, those pretty bikes from mtvs and korean movies doesn't really work well when there's a slope in front (even the slightest one).

This is the day that I should have worn some flowery dress and a straw hat and act like I'm in some fancy korean drama. And maybe some flowers that I picked, my frappuccino in my basket and snapping pictures with a holga. At least I might feel better on the 13km of highway back to Chiang Rai.

Mae Salong, Thailand

Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates

Nope, this is not China. Obviously this place have strong chinese influences. I didn't know the KMT were in Thailand.

After awhile I felt like traveling is really good exercise. There will always be a temple or a vantage point that you MUST see. And of course it's on a mountain(or a "hill"). Monks must be really fit in the past.

No matter where you go, a flight of stairs awaits...

我到了山頂在流汗! x_x|||