Monday, October 30, 2006


Photo 5
Originally uploaded by Abducted by pirates.
The fuckin screen cracked. All i can see is that damned artistic thermal camera screen.

Im not feelin well and im eating cheerios for dinner. I should be havin a chicken chop or something more satisfyin. Now i know why i couldnt stick to any diet plans and show progress, surprisingly i eat relatively heathly food but eating them at rather high quantities does not make one slim down significantly. I had to eat 3 cups of that to make me feel not that hungry and i still have to cook instant noodle after that. No wonder people slim down eating cheerios, eatin one servin size of it at each meal definitely make anyone lose weight but it wun be long that they lose their vital signs as well yeah.

And back to the camera, i have not been using it for quite sometime due to the newer models out on the market and in comparison mine seems to be from the cretaceous period when dinosaurs still walked the Earth and it no longer attracts me anymore. Haiz people only start to cherish something when its no longer around. Im suddenly very deprived, yearn to take a photo of whatever and i have not realise till this day that my little insignificant digicam have became an fundamental gadget that is essential to my life.

Whatever, im just feelin sick and down. =(


Anonymous said...

"Haiz people only start to cherish something when its no longer around..." it is so very true of what you had said. Better cherish certain significant people & things in your life b3fore they are totally gone. Have you ever reflect back some person in your life suddenly just disappear or get outta your life? It just happen so sudden. One moment you thought both could become lovers or sisters, the next moment, you just seem to lose contacts.

Anonymous said...

seems like a old camera you have there...bought a new one already? bet the old one may be antique but still feelings attached to it right. digi cams r much slimmer nowadays and better seem to b an avid cam shooter

dare to be strange said...

Yea totally agree, at a certain point of time one got so close to another then each got busy with their own life and just stop contactin each other. But once in awhile when u encounter a certain situation or pass by a place that person just popped back into your mind and you start wonderin hows that person doin right now..

dare to be strange said...

Yup i got a new digicam. Not excatly crazy over them but cant live without one. Haha i just got so used to the old one. Got myself a Sony T50 but just cant find a simple mac software to get the GPS unit to work. Any recommendations?

Anonymous said...

shall ask around see if any of my friends know what software to get the GPS working