Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dada da da da! Its my McDonalds! I had Mac for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Egg Mcmuffin meal for breakfast, Filet-O-Fish for lunch and McSpicy meal for dinner. And according to their Nutritional Calculator, I had a total intake of 1794kcal today, which is slightly less than an average females' daily calories requirement. BUT of which, 89% are fats. With these kinda data, its abit hard to convince the public that mac is becoming more healthy just because they tried to portray a healthy image and sell rice burgers(that taste abit like the pink colour heart-shaped kueh that we eat with the black sauce but without the sauce). Nevertheless, they open 24/7, even on public holidays.

And by the way, Techno + Chinese new year tunes is definately a deadly combi.

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