Sunday, November 13, 2005

Was surfing the net when i saw this:

We were the saviours! Haha that was like 5yrs or so ago and manjusri's website have not been updated ever since. I think the 3rd person from the left in the front row is me but i couldnt be absolutely sure either. How many mega pixels was that anyway? Its amazin how technology advances, 5yrs and people are already usin 8 to 10 mega pixels digital cams. 10 years down the road and we could be using gadgets that are like pagers to our moblie phones or discman to our mp3 players. We will be mockin at ourselves over our current technology illiteracy while lookin back at the photos that we had taken. "Omg i was using that sony 3.1mega pixel cam at that time! My new 4.3giga pixel cam is so much better." This makes me feel like gettin a new cam again.

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